Brian Rombough

After retiring from a 30-year teaching career in Kingston, Ontario, Brian moved to Vancouver Island to connect with nature. As he and his wife have explored the rugged shorelines, he has been inspired by the natural treasures of the Juan de Fuca and Haro Straits. He endeavors to present his pieces in their natural form, only altering them when structural considerations are required. Wood and stone serve as the vehicle of expression for Brian’s vision. “Coming from a rich heritage of stone masons and carpenters, I’ve always been drawn to shapes, patterns, and the inherent strength of natural materials.” Brian was recently offered to participate in the OneTree Project which honours the life of a recently salvaged heritage tree. Using a limb from this gigantic western maple, Brian has created “The Medusa Sisters” mounted on stones from the surrounding shorelines. The exhibition ran at the Bateman Foundation Gallery of Nature from November 16th to February 29th.